Tallo Student Spotlight: Free Coding Classes with SC Codes

With the constant evolution of technology, coding has become a skill that is in high demand for many companies across the country. Some may assume that learning to code requires an expensive computer science degree from a four-year university, but there are plenty of shorter alternatives, and some of them are even free!  In fact, if you’re a resident of South Carolina, SC Codes has created a series of coding courses that are free to any South Carolina resident.

Tallo partnered with SC Codes to help spread the word about these free classes, and give students a chance to showcase their coding accomplishments with Digital Badges on their Tallo profile. Tallo users can earn SC Codes exclusive Digital Badges showing their completion of eight different coding courses. Joanna, a high school student from Lugoff, South Carolina, recently learned about this SC Codes opportunity through Tallo and completed her first coding course!

Prior to SC Codes, Joanna knew some about the front end language of coding, but with the desire to learn more, saw SC Codes as a comprehensive yet simple way to do so. When asked about her favorite part of the SC Codes program, Joanna explained that she liked how the content is structured: “Each course is split into mini units, which include short articles teaching a new concept and a quiz at the end of each. You can also take notes to write down main ideas. is how the content is structured. Each course is split into mini-units, which includes short articles about new concepts, time to take notes, and a quiz at the end of each module.”

Joanna plans to gain a deeper understanding of front and back end languages in anticipation of attending college, where she wants to major in Computer Science with the intention of becoming a Data Analyst. At this stage in her education journey, SC Codes stood out to her on Tallo because “other sites that offer to teach code require subscriptions, while SC Codes provides free learning along with certification. I am truly grateful for this opportunity!” For now, she continues to use Tallo to connect with colleges, find scholarships, and learn more about additional opportunities such as SC Codes. 

If you have a story similar to Joanna’s and want to be featured on Tallo’s blog and social media, reach out jjohnson@tallo.com

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