This summer, get a jump on the future with Job Shadow Week

This may not have been your usual school year, but still, there’s reason to be excited for summer: No more homework; warm, sunny weather; and more time to make TikToks (from a distance) with friends.

While you’re doing all that though, it might be hard to ignore what’s going on in the world right now. You might have some uneasy feelings about what the current job market means for your future plans, and if so, that’s totally OK … especially because we have something special planned to help you figure out the best next steps.

Whether you’re one of the lucky ones who has known since childhood what you wanted to be, or a high school senior still unsure of what to major in, we’re hosting a virtual Job Shadow Week with K12 and Nepris to give you the timely insights and resources you need to successfully pursue your dreams. And the best part is, it’s totally free!

From July 13-17, join students from around the country for five days of information sessions, virtual workshops, and live meetings with professionals from companies in some of the most in-demand industries out there. Speakers include, Monique Toussaint, Senior advisor for the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, Ernest Holmes, software engineer for Google and president and co-founder of CodeHouse, and Reeba Attrey, Progression, Retention and Equity Strategist for YouTube among others.

From your couch, your bed, your porch, or maybe even a beach chair, you can easily tune in to find out if current events should make you modify your future plans, or if those plans can probably stay the same.

If, unfortunately, you fall into the former category, the good news is that Job Shadow Week provides a tool to help. With our Career Explorer tool, you can begin to imagine new career possibilities, then connect with professionals and hear about their experience and perspective to really solidify your interest.

If you’re lucky enough to fall into the latter, Job Shadow Week can still provide you with a variety of benefits. For example, knowing what a day in the life of your chosen profession looks like will help you better prepare for the requirements of that industry. Whether you’re wondering which coding courses will best serve you as a software engineer or what sector of the healthcare system has the most opportunities for professional growth, you’ll come away from the experience with valuable information. (You may even discover that the path you imagined yourself taking isn’t what you’re passionate about, and also use our Career Explorer tool to consider new options.)

No matter where you are in the process of planning for the future, nor how you feel about it in light of current events, our low-commitment, virtual Job Shadow Week is a great way to pass some time this summer. It will give you a taste of the in-person experience you might be missing. It will answer the career-related questions lingering in the back of your mind. It will provide you with unparalleled access to professionals from a variety of industries in only a few clicks. And most importantly, it will give you a chance to easily invest in yourself and take the next step toward a brighter future.

Sign up to attend the live sessions here. And if you miss one, no worries – you can access the recorded version later!

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