4 Tips for Working with Recruiters

4 Tips for Working with Recruiters

If you need to get your resume in front of some new hiring managers or it’s time for a big career move, it may be time to contact a recruiter. Recruiters are third-party people or agencies who represent companies and look for potential employees to help fill job openings. So, how can a recruiter help you? Recruiters work with hiring managers, human resource professionals, and companies, and their insider knowledge and access to companies may be valuable for your job search.

1. Establish a Presence

You can’t hire a recruiter to help you find a job. But you can seek out recruiters in your field to help them find you. How? Headhunters and recruiters search for qualified applicants online—establishing an online presence can help them find you more easily. Reposting articles, career opportunities, or relevant industry content in niche groups like Tallo Community is another way to stand out.

You can also find recruiters’ profiles through LinkedIn that may specialize in your career field. If you know a recruiter’s name and the company they work for, you can use Hunter to find their email address. Once you’re in touch with a recruiter, share the qualifications that make you an ideal candidate for their industry.

2. Research Recruiters

advice on your application

Recruiters specialize in specific career fields and industries, so you’ll want to research the recruiter or agency to determine if they represent companies in your industry. A recruiter may want to see your résumé or may offer to create an “industry-friendly” résumé for you, usually for a fee. Ask questions of the recruiter about the type of help they can offer. Recruiters can often provide advice on your application documents and may even coach you on what works and doesn’t work during interviews with certain companies.

Check out the recruiter’s reputation on social media, the Better Business Bureau, professionals in your career field and by reading reviews. If a recruiter charges a fee just to meet with you, find another recruiter or staffing agency. Experienced and reputable recruiters will talk with you freely. Remember, their job is getting to know and recruiting capable applicants like you!

3. Get Dates on the Calendar

If a recruiter has scheduled an interview or meeting for you with a company, follow through with the appointment. Even if it’s not your ideal job, it may lead to other opportunities through the same recruiter. A recruiter may also conduct interviews on behalf of a company to see if you are a good fit. Whether meeting with the company or a recruiter, treat both meetings as job interviews—dress professionally and have your cover letter, résumé, and references ready.

4. Keep in Touch

Keep in Touch

Whether or not a recruiter can help, checking back periodically is essential. Recruiters often know of job openings before they are posted publicly, so if you have a good relationship with a recruiter, they can keep you in mind when they know of new job openings. Adding skills, work experience, or certifications is a great opportunity to reconnect.

Be Recruiter Savvy

Along with other strategies for job hunting, contacting a recruiter may help you find a job. With their industry knowledge, contacts within companies, and an extensive database of jobs, experienced recruiters can be a valuable resource in getting your resume to hiring managers or employers.

They can offer tips that improve your chances of getting an interview. There is a caution here, though. Recruiters’ clients are companies, so don’t wait on a recruiter to find a job for you. If they think you will be a good fit for the company they represent, they may then reach out on their behalf.

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