Choosing a Career: No Clue? No Problem

“What do I want to do as a career?”  

A ton of people, including us here at Team Tallo, have asked ourselves this question a hundred times. But coming up with a good answer isn’t so simple, is it?

NBD, we’ve all been there. It’s an important question, and definitely not one that should be taken lightly. Unfortunately, many students feel pressured to come up with an answer too quickly, and so they make a decision before they’ve truly explored the world of possibilities out there.

Tallo can help with that too. Don’t know what you want to do with your life yet? Good for you. That means you’re putting a lot of thought into your future. Actually, maybe the profession you’ll choose is one you haven’t even heard of yet!

So we put together a little list to get your imagination flowing. Here are a handful of actual professions which actual Tallo users are interested in. Any of them sound intriguing? Click them to find out more!

FYI, we included the number of Tallo users pursuing each profession, in case you were wondering…

Discover Unique Career Paths

Mechatronics Technicians – 218

Think: a type of engineering involving the design and production of automated equipment, like robots!

Set Designers – 247

These professionals literally “set the scene,” and plan the backdrops for movies, television shows, and theatrical productions!

Speech Language Pathologists – 873

Compassionate and dedicated individuals who help children and adults overcome speech impediments.

Diesel Technicians – 451

Don’t mind getting your hands a little greasy? Diesel technicians keep large machinery like trucks, bulldozers, and farm equipment running smoothly.

Budget Analysts – 906

Number-crunching gurus who ensure that businesses and organizations are spending their money wisely.

Medical Transcriptionists – 286

These administrative professionals are medical experts who handle important business work so doctors and nurses can focus on their patients.

Urban and Regional Planners – 172

For creative individuals with grand ideas! Urban and regional planners design, develop, and revitalize entire communities and urban areas.

Geoscientists – 535

Nobody understands the Earth better than geoscientists, who observe and study the planet’s vast ecosystems.

Public Relations Specialists – 651

Got the gift of gab? PR specialists are the public mouthpieces for businesses, organizations, and government offices.

Wildlife Technicians – 837

Imagine a career exploring the great outdoors and interacting with animals of all shapes and sizes; A nature lover’s dream!

Foreign Service Officers – 1,363

Foreign service officers (or FSOs) represent the U.S. government all over the world in foreign embassies and consulates.

Choreographers – 397

Performance artists who create the routines and dances for shows, concerts, and music videos…like Beyonce’s!

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