It’s easy—Just make a profile and Tallo will automatically match you.
Over 200,000 hiring companies and over 400 colleges look to Tallo to find and recruit talented young people—people like you!
It’s big—Tallo helps more than 1.7 million members reach their future faster.
If you’re not sure what you want to do yet, Tallo can provide guidance on college majors and career choices, job-related events, internship and apprenticeship connections, and more.
It pays off—Up to $20 billion dollars in scholarships are available.
You can find academic, athletic, organization-affiliated, and plain ol’ easy scholarships based on your personal information, background, and achievements.
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“Tallo has shown me multiple opportunities for scholarships and given me the chance to organize my accomplishments.”
“Tallo has done me a world of help by connecting me to a number of pre-professional organizations and schools that I have grown to love. I even have my job because of Tallo!”
“Tallo has made it easier to search for opportunities and experiences because I live in a small town, and those aren’t the easiest to come by.”
$100 million in scholarships go unclaimed each year.
Instead of all this money going to waste, fill out your profile, and we’ll match you with scholarships based on your interests and academic achievements. Explore scholarship opportunities and score free money to help you pay for college or trade school so you can focus on what matters most — your future.
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jobs, internships, and apprenticeships.
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Tallo’s Jobs Search allows you to match with 3.5M daily active internships, apprenticeships, and jobs from more than 200,000 hiring companies. See internships, apprenticeships, and jobs matching your future goals and plans, or filter results based on distance, job type, education requirements, and more.