Tallo’s community represents diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Tallo believes that everyone deserves a fair shot at achieving their dreams. We exist to level the playing field for all talent by helping colleges and companies create cultures that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion. Tallo users (all one million+ of them) have different backgrounds, lifestyles, passions, and personalities, and we know they’re all destined for greatness — we’re going to help them get there.
Learn more about our diverse community.
We have a community of over 650,000+ users who identify as racial and/or ethnic minorities* that want to connect with you. Learn more about how we can help recruit a more diverse and inclusive campus or workforce.
*Refers to racial and ethnic minorities including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Middle Eastern or North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or two or more minorities.
Colleges, universities, and technical schools use Tallo to build a more diverse classroom and inclusive campus.
Companies across the United States utilize Tallo to diversify their workforce and access unique talent.
Learn more