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Build a diverse and inclusive campus with Tallo.

A diverse student population and inclusive campus culture enriches the higher education experience for all students. Learning from others with different backgrounds empowers them to become more innovative and collaborative. Plus, they are better equipped to enter the workforce. 

For most colleges, diversifying recruiting efforts when making connections is one of the biggest challenges they face. Tallo breaks down traditional barriers by virtually connecting college admissions teams and students in underrepresented minority communities.

Want to see Tallo in action?

Connect with students of all backgrounds on Tallo.

Over a million users—including 650,000+ users who identify as racial and/or ethnic minorities*—are ready to connect with your college. Check out their digital resumes showcasing their accomplishments, interests, test scores, and more. Message them directly or let our team drum up interest through targeted campaigns. 

   *Refers to racial and ethnic minorities including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Middle Eastern or North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or two or more minorities.

Recruit diverse students with Tallo.

With Tallo, you can build your pipeline of students in a way that works with your recruitment initiatives. Simply search through a community of over one million users by race/ethnicity, gender, test scores, career and major interests, and more. You’ll be able to identify, interact, and connect with students—ranging from those who’ve never heard of your college to those who know your school down to the name of your mascot.

Let’s talk about your school’s goals.