Diversity is crucial to a strong workforce.
Companies who implement diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are proven to be more successful. They not only see increased profitability, productivity, and morale, but also decreased turnover. They are more creative and, adaptable, and become magnets for top talent.
And it all starts with building a diverse talent pipeline. That’s where Tallo comes in. We’ve built a community of talent with different backgrounds, lifestyles, passions, and personalities who are waiting to be discovered.
Use Tallo to search for and connect with talent.
Check out their digital resumes showcasing their experience and interests. Message them about opportunities. Over a million users—including 650,000+ users who identify as racial and/or ethnic minorities*—are ready to connect with you.
*Refers to racial and ethnic minorities including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Middle Eastern or North African, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or two or more minorities.
Recruit diverse students with Tallo.
With Tallo, you can grow your pipeline of talented individuals to support your recruitment initiatives. All you have to do is search our community of over one million users by race/ethnicity, gender, test scores, career and major interests, and more. You’ll be able to identify, interact, and connect with people—ranging from those who’ve never heard of your company to those who know your business down to the name of your founder.