Over 250 colleges and corporations have participated in Tallo’s event solutions! For a list of current events, view our calendar of events page.

Exploration Events

Exploration events are custom event experiences bringing education and career opportunities directly to students and job seekers in an interactive, free format.

How Tallo developed virtual events to promote industries in South Carolina

SC DAYS is an exploration event initiated by SC Future Makers (SCFM) and Powered by Tallo.

SC Future Makers is a statewide initiative powered by a public-private partnership between organizations that are vested in ensuring that South Carolina’s talent and economy thrive. Partners include Tallo, the South Carolina Department of Commerce, the South Carolina Department of Education, the South Carolina Technical College System, the South Carolina Manufacturing Alliance (SCMA), the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness, and over a hundred companies



Students and educators attended


Schools attended one or more SC Days virtual events


Companies shared their industries and programs

“What a wonderful opportunity for the youth in our state to learn about SO many careers! Look forward to seeing how many we touched. Thank you for Tallo’s effort in putting this well-organized (much-needed) event together, it will for sure pay off!”


Hill Electric

Recognition Events

These are custom event experiences that provide a venue for organizations to promote their brand and assist in the development of an early pipeline of talent.


STEM Signing Days

“Thank you so much, this has been my dream. I am honored to be a part of this opportunity.”

Netanya Kelley

2020 Virtual SC STEM Signing Day Honoree

“It was like how the football players get the big signing days at school. It made me feel good that I was getting that attention and recognition.”

Madison Hill

2018 SC STEM Signing Day Honoree

Connection Events

A whole new recruiting event experience.
Virtual or in-Person: we have simplified the experience.

Introducing Ping by Tallo

Ping is a virtual event solution like no other. Talent and recruiters answer event-specific questions about what they’re looking for. Similar answers are matched up—and meaningful recruiting can begin.


Ping cuts the fluff out of recruitment events

Virtual colleges and career fairs don’t need to be time consuming and cumbersome. Our talent matching tool makes virtual recruitment events simple and effective while creating meaningful connections quickly for recruiters, students, and job seekers.



Answer a few questions and connect with your top matches at the event. It’s that simple


Go live when it’s convenient for you. Ping notifies you of new chat activity in real-time


Match and chat with candidates right from your desktop or mobile device

Want to see Tallo in action?