What’s New?
New on Tallo Offers Training and Education to Help Students Explore and Prepare for Careers

Discover Your Passion
Gain insights with a self-assessment and match with learning paths and careers that represent you.

Invest In Your Education
Achieve professional certifications, learn valuable skills, and connect with mentors and coaches.

Find Your Dream Career
Do the work you care about and get hired by innovative companies around the world.
Explore Hundreds of Jobs and Curated Learning Paths to Start a Successful Career Journey
New on Tallo sets you on an easy-to-navigate path toward virtually any career. Each path includes video course content, practice exams, and providers for industry-leading certifications—all while helping you track your progress and insights along the way.
A Career for Everyone
New on Tallo takes the guesswork out of exploring what careers fit your personality. Our self-assessment will analyze your strengths and weaknesses and provide many career opportunities for you to explore.
START YOUR JOURNEYBecome Job-Ready Through Certifications
An increasing number of students are finding that the traditional college path isn’t the only path to jumpstart a career. Explore our provider content and find the perfect path to becoming job-ready faster than ever.
New on Tallo partners with renowned organizations to help you get your foot in the door while also providing a space for organizations to follow you on your education journey.