Case Study: Engaging Tallo’s Most in Demand Industry with HOSA

During the month of October 2021, Tallo hosted Healthcare Month – a month-long event focused on increasing engagement with Tallo users interested in the healthcare industry through content, events, scholarships, and more.

With over 500,000 Tallo users interested in pursuing healthcare-related opportunities and pathways, Healthcare Month was designed to drive engagement with these users while also boosting brand awareness for healthcare partners, like HOSA-Future Healthcare Professionals

HOSA-Future Health Professionals is a national student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the healthcare industry and to enhance the delivery of quality healthcare to all people. 

By partnering with Tallo during Healthcare Month, HOSA was able to build brand awareness and promote specific opportunities among Tallo users through a number of different initiatives: 

Scholarship Challenges 

A scholarship challenge on the Tallo Community integrates a competitive call to action for members to create a post that aligns with partner goals. HOSA members were challenged to ”Share their HOSA story” through a post on the Community. This created incredible testimonials for HOSA and positive brand awareness. HOSA received over 500+ submissions for the scholarship challenge post (11,574 views). In addition, their Community banner promoting the opportunity (16,083 views) performed best of all Healthcare Month content.

Featured Posts & Events

Featured posts provide exposure to a targeted audience of our talent and partner talent that are specifically interested in an industry. The best posts have a clear call-to-action that talent can participate in as well as an incentive that makes them want to take part, like a scholarship, internship, job posting, etc.

Events, like HOSA’s Future of Healthcare event, which had over 600+ registrants, provided an engaged targeted audience all interested in healthcare. 

Ask Me Everythings (AME)

Ask Me Everythings (AME) are events where the Tallo Community promotes and hosts member-driven Q&A sessions with industry, military, or education professionals.

The Ask Me Everything Tallo hosted with dermatologist and Tiktok influencer Dr. Portela received 14,869 post views + IG impressions and over 150+ questions.

During Healthcare Month, HOSA received over 215,000 views and impressions through Tallo Community. This included the following: 

  • Tallo Community Pageviews: 14,258
  • Campaign Email Opens: 168,893
  • Community Ad Views: 25,030
  • Instagram Impressions: 7,053
  • Future of Healthcare Event Attendees: 227

As a result, the HOSA team saw an increase in interested participants looking to join their program. 

Interested in partnering with Tallo to get your brand in front of a new and diverse audience and recruit qualified talent for the great opportunities you have?

Join Healthcare Month!



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