Tallo Top 100 Spotlight: Matthew Frost

We were proud to recently unveil the 2018 Tallo Top 100 students.

Hailing from all across the nation, the students of the Top 100 represent a wide variety of talent, skills, and backgrounds. We wanted to get to know these students better and showcase the personalities behind the Tallo platform!

Last time, our spotlight was all about Laura Mulrooney from Raleigh, North Carolina. Today, we’re shining it on Matthew Frost from Hood River, Oregon!

An avid robotics enthusiast, Matthew has been a FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics World Championship competitor for two years running, and recently competed in Houston, Texas against other teams from all around the world.

His love for robotics drove him to design a mobile “Fab Lab” which he uses to visit local elementary schools to promote STEM and robotics. As a high school student, his proficiency in mathematics and science has allowed him to tutor college-level students. Talk about flipping the script! It’s no wonder that he was voted “”Most Likely to Become The Next Einstein” by his classmates

Read more about Matthew below in his own words.

Matthew Frost


Hood River Valley High School

Hood River, OR

For fun, I like to…WORK WITH ROBOTICS! So much learning and life skills come out of these activities, and the innovation is so exciting.

Something you wouldn’t know about me is…I love writing “To-Do” lists for just about anything. Nothing is more satisfying than being able to recycle the piece of paper with a bunch of completed tasks on it.

If I could meet anyone in the world, past or present, I would want to meet…Albert Einstein or another scientist who has changed today’s world. Watching them invent a brand new technology would be amazing.

The best teacher I’ve ever had is…either my 8th grade math teacher who taught us calculus or my 11th/12th grade English teacher who “sometimes” gets off track to teach my class life lessons and important skills.

The last app I downloaded on my phone was…a game called Psych to play with my robotics team. I highly recommend it for parties or large groups of people!

After high school, my next step is…to go to college and get a degree in engineering.

In ten years, I see myself...if all goes well, sitting on a beach in the Caribbean, watching the sun appear over the horizon. In reality, I’ll probably be sitting at a desk late at night trying to finish up some cool engineering project.

My greatest dream is…helping humanity through engineering.

The thing I like about Tallo most is…the endless opportunities it has.

We hope for the best for you Matthew, and we’re proud to have you be a Tallo user and part of the 2018 Tallo Top 100!

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