The key to building a solid talent strategy during a time of talent shortage [VIDEO]

As you know, we’re in the middle of a significant talent shortage and with no promising end in sight, your talent strategy is more important now than ever.  Hear from Tallo Senior Advisor, Rob Sentz, on how to build a solid talent strategy during a time of talent shortage.

The key drivers of the labor shortage are:

(1) Huge numbers of baby boomers are leaving the market at record rates

(2) More and more working age people are deciding against work

(3) National (and even global) birth rates have plummeted below replacement and have been below 2.1 for the past 50 years.

Way back in 2018, Korn Ferry predicted that by 2030 there would be a global talent shortage that results in more than 85 million jobs going unfilled. Rarely do such big picture predictions come true. But in this case, with 2030 only eight short years away, Korn Ferry’s prediction might actually be a little conservative.

Find out why…

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