Check Out Our Newest Tallo Platform Updates

We’re always looking for ways to improve our platform for all of our Tallo users. Ways to make it more functional, efficient, and just more cool. So, we’ve made some changes, and we wanted you to be the first to know. 

Enhanced Career Interest Options 

As our platform has grown to over a million users, we’re constantly reminded of just how diverse our growing population is. From engineering to nursing to artists to welders, our talent users are passionate about many different things, and we realized our career interests section simply didn’t have enough options to meet your needs. So, we added more. A lot more. 

Our career interests now consist of over a thousand different options. You can choose general categories that interest you or more specific preferences. 

This enhancement not only provides a wider array of options for our talent users to explore different careers and add ones they’re most interested in, but it will also provide more accurate guidance when connecting them with opportunities and helping talent seekers find them. 

Feeling a little indecisive? No worries. Career interests can be changed and removed at any time. 

Profile Enhancements 

To better suit the needs of our adult and non-traditional users, and to improve the overall experience for all of our talent, we’ve made some profile enhancements. 

As we mentioned earlier, our talent users are very diverse. To provide a more inclusive experience, “education level” has been replaced with “current status” where talent users can choose the option that best fits them. Here, we added a workforce status filter that will make it easier for talent seekers to view users who are in the workforce or seeking employment.

Current status and location can be seen and edited on the sidebar of your profile at any time. Users in the workforce and/or seeking a job can also choose to use their work experience entry as their current status which can be viewed in the sidebar. 

Do you have a specific state you’re interested in? The new interactive map allows you to indicate location preferences making it easier to connect with talent seekers in those selected areas. 

Additional fields for country and ZIP have also been added to the registration in order to capture the user’s personal location to better connect them with opportunities around them. 

Is there a certification that you’re proud of? You can now show them off in the accomplishments section.

We hope these updates will bridge gaps for current and future Tallo users and improve the overall experience for everyone. Log into your Tallo profile today and check them out for yourself!

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