Finding Virtual Solutions for Companies in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic

Tallo CEO and co-founder Casey Welch was quoted recently in this article by Smart Cities Dive as an expert on virtual career connections. Casey spoke about how, in light of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a need for companies to turn towards “virtual solutions.” As economic growth within the United States continues to shrink, laid-off workers, especially within the Hospitality sector, have begun to explore different opportunities. Because of the lack of in-person hiring events, workers have turned to virtual options, such as Tallo, to make career connections.

“We became so reliant on the in-person meeting. It can all be taken away within a matter of days. You need to have a virtual solution as part of your strategy going forward, says Casey. Because of this need to re-strategize, it is now more important than ever for companies to adjust their structure to include remote hiring processes. In the last two months, Tallo has seen record-setting traffic driven towards the platform as workers who are laid off, and recent graduates entering an unstable job market, look for an online service that assists with making career connections. The effects of this pandemic are unprecedented, and companies have to scramble to adjust to working from home. By including a structure, such as the utilization of a platform like Tallo, within a company that allows for online exclusive hiring, companies can be better prepared to continue with business as (almost) usual. 

Read more from Smart Cities Dive and Tallo CEO Casey Welch about new workforce development strategies, and companies’ emerging focus on tech-forward processes here. 


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