Who is Going to Do the Work?
America’s decades-long prioritization of the 4-year degree has pushed a new generation away from the skilled trades. What can industries that need skilled-trade workers do about it?

The skilled trades are being gutted.
Employers in the trades continue to struggle with staffing skilled workers and the problem is only worsening. With 2M college-age students unemployed with no college education, if and when we experience an economic slowdown, the demand for these jobs should continue because (a.) there is already a significant worker shortage and (b.) such jobs provide a core set of functions that will be in demand regardless of an up or down economy.
Why is this happening?
The “college or bust mentality” has lead to a decline in the teenage labor force, which means fewer high school and college students gaining experience in and exposure to key skilled trade industries, and therefore fewer of them pursuing careers in these areas as they grow older.
And what can employers do about it?
Companies that seek out talent while they’re still young (high school or college-age) do a much better job of winning that talent as they get older.
And perhaps the best way to establish that relationship is via the internship and apprenticeship. 74% of students would be more likely to attend a school if an internship with a company they valued was guaranteed.
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Who is Going to Do the Work?
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