#LifeHacks: The Tallo Student Dashboard    

We get it. You’re busy. And when you’re busy, you need every life hack you can get.

That’s what the Tallo dashboard is; it’s a life hack designed just for you. Using information from your profile, it generates a virtual heads-up display which gives you the skinny on opportunities that match your interests. It’s pretty nifty, which is why we wanted it to be the first thing a student sees when they log-in to Tallo.

Here’s a few of the things you’ll find:


Financial aid powered by Redkite puts $20 billion worth of scholarships at your fingertips. Take the stress out of your scholarship search, and let Tallo do some of the hard work for you.

There are even more tools, such as events and suggested academic majors, all based on your profile information. Which reminds us…the more complete your Tallo profile is, the more useful your dashboard will be!


The “Explore Organizations” module connects you with schools and businesses which align with your education and career aspirations. So give them a browse. The organization that’s perfect for you may be one you’ve never even heard about before!


The “Majors” window in the lower left is a good reminder that you’ve got options. Tallo takes a look at what you’re interested in and serves up some related fields of study you might want to consider.

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