Digital Badging
Tallo’s digital badging tool allow organizations to track the success of programs and initiatives while recognizing participants for earned skills or achievements.
Track the success of your programs and initiatives
Whether it’s completing an assessment, earning an award, or attending an event, you can use digital badging to track program engagement and talent success from recruitment through employment.
How do Digital Badges work?
Digital Badges are one of our most successful longitudinal tracking tools because they aren’t just good for data, they’re fun incentives for students and talent. Here’s how they work:
- Create a custom digital badge that fits your unique needs or initiatives
- Set criteria that will determine the awarding and verification of your badge
- Issue your digital badge to qualifying talent whenever set criteria is met
- Track short- and long-term success of talent and continue engagement
Digital Badges in action: STEM Signing Day
The STEM Signing Day Digital Badge has been a recognizable symbol of this unique program since 2017 and is used digitally to longitudinally track cohorts of STEM Signing Day Alumni on Tallo.
Boeing can search for these badges on Tallo by location and by year to identify students who were honored at STEM Signing Day events, see where they are now, and reach out to them directly on Tallo for future opportunities.
See how our partners are using digital badges
FIRST®, a robotics community that prepares young people for a future in STEM, awards digital badges for many different initiatives. Whether it be a FIRST Robotics participant, scholarship winner, or dean’s list finalist, FIRST leverages the power of digital badging to showcase opportunities for students outside of the traditional college route and connects them with partnering corporate employers looking for career ready talent. Employer partners can also easily identify FIRST talent when looking to hire.
HOSA – Future Health Professionals, one of the largest student-led organizations in healthcare, leverages the power of digital badging to identify its members. The HOSA Membership Badge allows HOSA leaders to be able to track members’ career and educational pathways in healthcare as well as showcase their involvement in the HOSA program, which makes them stand out to partnering healthcare employers looking for qualified candidates who have gone through the program.
The Career and Technical Education Consortium of States (CTECS) uses digital badging to award students who pass their workplace readiness skills assessment, which increases employability skills and qualifications for things like internships and apprenticeships. Upon completion of the workplace readiness skills assessment, students receive a completion badge which can be used to showcase their employability skills to Tallo’s employer partners looking for workplace-ready talent.
Create your Digital Badge today
Ready to create your own custom badge? We’re ready to show you how it works. Simply fill out the form below, and a member of our team will reach out to you.