Discover invites you to join Tallo!
Discover is proud to partner with Tallo to identify future talent, like you. Tallo helps you with finding career pathways, applying to internships, and connecting with colleges and companies.
Join Tallo now and connect with Discover!
Tallo allows you to brag about your accomplishments to schools, companies and organizations you might be interested in. Tip: Companies love to check out your profile, so be sure to add a picture and as much information as you can to yours.
CREATE A PROFILEAlready a Member?
If you’re already a Tallo member, you’re ready to get started. Visit your Opportunities tab to see what’s available, or go straight to the scholarships by clicking the button below.
APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPSGetting Started With Tallo
Here’s how to build an attention-grabbing profile and find internships, scholarships, and competitive events on Tallo.
How to
Build a
Tallo Profile
How to Use Tallo (with Videos)
How To Use RedKite for $20B in Scholarships
With Discover, you’ll have the chance to make a difference at one of the world’s leading digital banking and payments companies.
From Day 1, you’ll do meaningful work you’re passionate about, with the support and resources you need for success. We value what makes each employee unique and provide a collaborative, team-based culture that gives everyone an opportunity to shine. Be the reason millions of people find a brighter financial future, while building the future you want, here at Discover.