How We’re Helping Build South Carolina’s Future Workforce

As part of a statewide workforce, talent, and education development campaign, in March 2022 Tallo met up at Darlington Raceway with Governor Henry McMaster, the Roadtrip Nation team, and three South Carolina Roadtrippers to celebrate the visit of the Roadtrip Nation RV, currently on a statewide journey. 

In partnership with the South Carolina Council of Competitiveness, Strada Education Network, South Carolina Department on Commerce, and Roadtrip Nation, three young adults were sent on a life-changing tour across the state to network with companies, business owners, and executives to take a closer look at some of its emerging job sectors and how more traditionally known industries are evolving and shaping the future.

The South Carolina Roadtrip and South Carolina Share Your Road initiatives are part of a workforce, talent, and education development informational campaign, made possible by a $500,000 portion of the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Funds made available by Governor McMaster in April 2021. An additional $100,000 was provided for this initiative by the Strada Education Network, a national social impact organization. The South Carolina Roadtrip and South Carolina Share Your Road initiatives are part of a statewide workforce, talent, and education development informational campaign that Tallo is proud to support. 

Building your future workforce starts with opportunities like apprenticeships, internships, externships, and mentorships. But more importantly, it’s about partnerships and relationships. 

At Tallo, we have always been focused on leveling the playing field for the future talent pool by breaking down commonly faced barriers. With nearly 2 million active users on our platform, we help build industry awareness and connect individuals with the right opportunities that match their interests and goals.

The challenge is helping young people understand what opportunities exist, whether a person is a good fit and ultimately, how to connect directly to the opportunity at hand. As a proud South Carolina-based company, Tallo strives to build industry awareness and make those connections possible. We couldn’t be happier to support this one-of-kind effort supporting South Carolina’s future talent pool and employers across our great state. Our work with the state of South Carolina is a model we wish to see implemented across the country. Fill out the form below to learn more.

From idea to execution in under 12 months, let us help you bring innovative workforce and educational solutions to your state.

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