Welcome to Tallo, JMU!

Create a free Tallo profile to track your experiences, match with companies, and find the right opportunity for you.

The Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN), is a coalition of engineering programs from across the nation founded by the Kern Family Foundation. JMU joined this group as a way to champion the entrepreneurial mindset for its students. KEEN’s mission of promoting entrepreneurial mindsets and building value resonates with the JMU engineering program’s culture of making a difference through engineering. JMU uses the Tallo platform as an academic advising resource for engineering students.


Join Tallo Today!

Tallo allows you to brag about your accomplishments to schools, companies and organizations you might be interested in. Tip: Companies love to check out your profile, so be sure to add a picture and as much information as you can to yours.


Already a Member?

If you’re already a Tallo member, you’re ready to get started. Visit your Opportunities tab to see what’s available, or go straight to the scholarships by clicking the button below.


Important Resources for JMU Students

Here, you can find everything you need to build a rockstar profile and use Tallo to apply for internships, scholarships, competitive events and so much more.

How to
Build a
Tallo Profile


How to Use Tallo (with Videos)


How To Use RedKite for $20B in Scholarships


About JMU

We know that success requires equal parts intellect and action. At JMU, that’s what Being the Change is all about.
JMU graduates are far more than merely educated. Members of a fellowship of doers, they know how to make things happen. They’ve honed their ability to think critically. They’ve learned the importance of a strong work ethic and have become committed to and skilled at collaborating with others. Diplomas in hand, they leave campus determined to live lives of meaning and pursue careers of purpose.
Equal parts intellect and action help mold JMU graduates.
Crafting the knowledge. Walking the walk. Seizing the day. Being the Change.