We’ve joined the Yello Sourcing Marketplace

Build a diverse pool of early talent candidates through Tallo.

Tallo has partnered with Yello to help you access niche talent specializing in STEM, diversity, high school, and more.

Learn more about the partnership in this webinar.

What is the Yello Sourcing Marketplace?

The Yello Sourcing Marketplace empowers employers to expand their traditional early talent pools and reach candidates from targeted diverse or academic backgrounds.

As universities and organizations cancel career fairs and other in-person recruiting events due to COVID-19, employers are turning to virtual recruiting methods to connect with early-career candidates. Yello has partnered with Tallo and others to create the industry’s first Sourcing Marketplace to better facilitate virtual connections between employers and candidates and to streamline employers’ hiring workflows.

Tallo offers seamless integration with Yello

Easily import Tallo’s early talent candidates and resumes into Yello, then connect with and invite candidates to events, interviews and more—all in one place.


Find and message the right candidates (or we do it for you)


Candidates view and engage with your opportunity


Upload candidates directly into Yello and connect

What is Tallo?

Companies, colleges, and governmental entities work with Tallo to develop strategies to enhance their diversity and inclusion programs, micro-target and connect with emerging talent, and build their future workforce pipeline.

Schedule a demo today.

Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

Interested in learning more about our partnership with Yello? Complete the form and we’ll be in touch.